Thursday, October 13, 2011

New life New Book and New Friends

msuk 'u' mmg stu pluang yg sgt best as u can find a lot of new things...u also can find and try plenty new stuff.. make new friends...seem fun isn't? mmg fun sgt2..ble da msuk u ni and taw byk pkre bru..kat sini jgak la sy pasang azam, ap yg sy nk jadi n ap yg sy nk be the best of! With all the luck and ilmu sy gained, InsyaAllah I will make my best for this particular semester! i won't lost bcoz i want to get Anugerah Naib Canselor and redeem all my bad achievements from past.. i hope i can do it.... really hoping for the best and struggling through that! Hwaiting!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Gaya Hidup Baru...ngee~~~

It's nothing to say bout dat title la....huhhu...tapi mmg syiok lau da blaja pegang duit sendiri, then nk belanja besar pown kne la gune duit sendiri...mse ni la bwu nk taw cri duit tu bukannya senang..payah ya AMAT!!! Penat mse kje may not lost forever tp ble da dpt gaji on 1st in every month?? phewh...berbaloi taw x?? even my skin got darker and my faces getting blacker but I insist on my work now....nk taw cmne?
pagi2 bgun gsok gigi, ikat rambut, bsuh mke...then solat on time..yela da bgun kol 5.45, bgun2 je azan terus berkumandang, msuk tlinge ak trus....x pyah la kite nk lengahkn kn? lpas solat, msuk dapur....ibu goreng roti sardin, ak lak spread inti sandwich on bread la...then bungkus.. roti sardin around 30 per morning and sandwich lak around 15 per morning...roti sardin stakat 30 tu je each day coz anto satu kdai je tp sandwich bleh anto byk kdai...ibu ckp xle la nk anto stu lg kdai coz kt kdai tu da ad roti sardin, and ibu xnk niat nk mnjual tu akn akibatkn kuih prg lain x laku....x baik potong rezeki org kn??? tu la psan around 6.30 a.m. ak pown naik moto honda ex tu pergi Bukit Payong anto kuih....n ALHAMDULILLAH, kuih yang kami buat tu laku n habis...sangat bersyukur coz dapat jugak rezeki even x byk...btolla sabda ALLAH yang Dia sediakan rezeki di mana2 cuma kita jew yg kne cari n trus mncari...Allah tu kan MAHA PEMURAH LAGI MAHA PENGASIH...xkan la DIA nk biarkan hambaNYA...cuma kita sebagai hamba da dpt rezeki tp x pnah nk bersyukur...minta dijauhkan dr smua tu...ak nk jadi hamba yg soleh lg solehah...yg sentiasa mensyukuri nikmat yg Allah kurniakan kpd kita smua...tu kje ak blah pagi...


Tpat jam 7 a.m. blik je anto kueh, ak p la dkat CALTEX, HAA UNGGUL punye...ak kje kt situ from 7 till 3, eight hours per day n sometimes from 3 till 11p.m...pnat toksah ckp tp Alhamdulilah stakat ni sume kje ak buat ngn btol n x pnah ad owg komplen ttg ak...n InsyaAllah, ak akn buat sebaik boleh, coz ak kjew utk cari rezeki and ak xnk rzeki yg ak dapt jd haram skiranya ak x amanah dgn ap yg ak buat...btol kn?? byk2 ari ak kjew, ari rabu is my off day....seb bek dpt off day kn?? boleh jugak ilek2....hahaha...xpewla, got to go...len kli lak ea....

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Unbelievable Mistakes EVER!

Wanna guess what happened??? its not dat i will give you guys smething but it pretty nice when other person can read others mind and predict what will happen kn?? Ceritanya mcm ni, dat day, my friend and I was leaving our institute to go outside, insisting to visit her aunt at Bandar Tun Razak. Semangat da berkobar-kobar pg tuh! Skali tgk bus stand,Ya Allah, bapak ramai...t ak smbg blk kay??

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nice Job....Hahahahah..

trlampau byk kjew yg prlu dibereskan..yeehahaha...
arini pulak ad brite yg kwnku pown stu grup kuliah kt puncak alam...
others, exam muet da lpas!!!!
Tp, mghtung hari jgak nk blik puncak alam,,,, sdey dlm gmbre...T_T
Mcm mne skalipown, sy kne brushe lg so that i can do better for the next time!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


after knowing my result yesterday, I don't know what my true feeling are..
Bcoz, sharing feeling of happiness and sadness, it is really difficult...hoho...
i felt happy as i can get what i want to..but i felt sad because i can't perform well as what my mother want me to do so..
Anyway, i can do better for the next sem kn?? HOPE SO!!!
i DON'T want this happened again..
i wanna show my mom that i can do better and perform well in my studies!
that is what i hope for now and i will DO MY BEST!!!
Yakin BOLEH!!!!